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How much does clothing production actually pollute?

It is no secret that clothing production is one of the most polluting industries in the entire world. More than 65 million tons of clothing are produced annually, with around...

It is no secret that clothing production is one of the most polluting industries in the entire world. More than 65 million tons of clothing are produced annually, with around half of all clothing never being reused or recycled. This means that over 30 million tonnes of clothes are simply thrown away and pollute every year. We will help put an end to this. Read along here and find out how much YOU actually help the climate when you buy vintage clothes.

👕 To produce one kilo of textile (clothing) around 15kg of CO2 is emitted and not only that, around one kilo of chemicals is also used for one kilo of textile! It's crazy how much clothing actually pollutes when you don't think about it on a daily basis.

By shopping with us, you make the sustainable choice. You make an active and proven choice that you want to help the next generation, and for that matter, your own generation, to have a better future with less pollution.

👚 This fact is pretty crazy... A single T-shirt requires around 1,400 liters of water to produce.
That amount of water is equivalent to more than 10 full bathtubs and takes a huge toll on the earth's resources. A sweatshirt requires approximately 5,000 liters of water. That is because every time you order a shirt from us, you save the climate several thousand liters of water. So it's pretty cool, we think!

🧢 Our consumption of clothes increases year after year. There is nothing wrong with that at all - but then things go wrong when you don't act sustainably. Because when more and more clothes are bought, more and more is also produced. If, on the other hand, you could get hold of vintage clothes, you could save the environment from a lot of pollution and at the same time get new things for your wardrobe!

These are just a few things that clothing production does to the climate... Make the sustainable choice. You won't regret it 🙏🏼


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